Wednesday, August 31, 2005

ner ner ner ner FA - AYS!

[Current Mood:] Bored and stressed
[Listening To:] The wind....OWWWWW!

Hola........Deb im booking you in for amental health day ay the Ulitmate Day Spa dude, better yet, Tash and i will come with you and throw mud at one another to cheer you up...heheh mud wrestling, ok maybe that would do you more HARM than good but ya gotta have some fun right? tee hee!
Dani's party? i thought you meant DANI dani for a second there! *cries cause she thought she didnt get invited* you mean Danielle yeah? well theres no reason why i shouldnt be, what do you think i should get her?!!! im screwed i don't even know her that well at all!!! owell cmon brain we got some thinkin' to do! damn i should really be at school right now..........OH WELL HAHAHA YOU'RE ALL AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!
Emmy Fay

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ello Bitches

well well its been a long time blog bitches. how goes it all you other fays and stuff. i am sick stressed sick for attendence which is gettting fucked up even more cause i took a day off cause my days off according to school have made going to school useless. how goes everyone i have noting witty or great to say i am so weak and dizzy that i dont even know what day it is. i'm going to buy some new dvd's just for some random fun. i need to work on vis com. are all you fays going to dani's party? whose your plus one? if one exists. anyone time for me to go back to my lovely home also known as ebay and google searching for reviews of dvd's i want to buy. later daters

we got spamed! wah-hey! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Mer mer mer mer mer merrrrrrrrr!

Hehehehe painting!

Hola you sexy sexy Fays you!!!

[Current Mood:] Calm...surprisingly
[Listening To:] The cat lick itself

Afternoon you damn fine team you! how ive missed you all in my absence! i havent gone anywhere as such im just incredibly lazy tee hee! i should be painting but oh my god guess what IM NOT! MWHAHAHAHAHA! oh well im doomed to fail, naw not really im just manky cause i feel ive been shortchanged by the fact that we had to do studies that took forever that i never used!!! bleh! TAHSA WELCOME BACK! we've all missed you dearly and its good to be a whole team again! =)
I taught Chris how to paint yesterday it was adorable he was so proud, now we can paint together wheeeeeeee! lets all have a paint off guys ok its so gotta happen or im seriously gonna cry it'll be rad, not me crying the paintingness, silly heads!
I know this is freakishly short but i gotta run, theres a pile of homework waiting for me thats the size of my house...i have a big house....behave yourselves you animals!
Emmy Fay

Sunday, August 21, 2005

take that! try and figure out who that is, you secret society of the weasle rats! Posted by Picasa


i'm BACK! *starts daaaancing* after my residence in the land that time forgot, the prehistoric era where we all had flippers and there was no such thing as civilisation (a home computer with no internet), I RETURN!

heart Tash

PS "Ville" means dick in Greek; it surely applies in this context, does it not?

Saturday, August 20, 2005






Mer Fer Everyone...

[Current Mood:] tired beyond time and space
[Listening To:] Sigur Ros - ( )

its really fucking cold outside and im meant to be painting but im not, im in here wasting time, ah self sabotage. Chris is at band practice with Jarrod and Joss leaving me with nothing to do but homework, which im not even doing at the moment. The whole band is having one great big mank attack at each other, Chris wants to go old school hardcore and the guys wanna go all pussy luke warm emo and its driving everyone nuts, im so glad im not in the middle of it or i would thump them both into oblivion, oh well hopefully everything has been sorted out by the time Chris calls me later, i wonder if anybody got mortally wounded in the process? answer most likely......I really think i should be doing Vis Comm hw right now, im off,
Emmy Fay

Friday, August 19, 2005

Jas its your birthday soon!!!

[Current Mood:] Elated
[Listening To:] ( ) - Sigur Ros (this is the most astounding band that i have ever had the pleasure of hearing, its so ethereal, this album was recorded in another time outside of ours.....Jerim my god thank you, there's no words to describe this music!!!)

Hey bud congrats on turning 18 soon, you planning on throwning a shindig? even if you dont you know that Debbie and i will be at your house drinking you under the table hahaha!!!! lol sorry = )

Wow last night was so fun, i went to the Eistedford in traralgon for the choir and they won the little champions they di so well i was so proud to say that i was friends with and went to school with these people, not to mention im going out with one of them hehe! GO CHRIS GO!! Knightsy turned up too, with Lockie who was pissed off his nut and drinking Goon, along with the tall guy i met before and the skateboard dude with the strippy shirt, it was so fun, Alex shes such a gun she kept humping Knightsy's leg the whole night and they were gunna so bang each other by the end of the night but unfortunatley Knightsy fucked off to Coles during one of the performances and when it was over Chris and I started to walk to Pizza Hut to score free shit cause Sarah was on that night, and who did we run into in the middle of the road? Knightsy and the Goon Platoon, we told Knightsy that Alex went home and it was like he was gunna cry lol they're so random for each other, they're in "Random-Love" hehehehe, then chris and i went home and watched the Great Rock N Roll Swindle together and went to bed at midnight, though we payed for it the next morning when we had to get up for school at 6:30 meerrrrrrrrrr!!! it was so fun though, even if he does kick me in his sleep i still love him *floaty pink love hearts*
My god, eugh im sick of painting!!!!! merrrrr *cries* i miss Chris, fuck im turning into a pansy but i dont even think i care anymore, i think i made one of his ribs go funny the other day cause i hugged him too hard lol tee hee squished-a-fay! *sigh* i better go try and do some kind of coherent peice of prose for my creative response for English, though i have such a good feeling about it im not scared at all this time wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! go me!!!! well im off lads, cheerio!
Emmy fay

Friday, August 12, 2005

some dumb arse

posted spam on my old blog what a wanker i laugha nd shall laugh for hours after delelting the damn piece of shit. anyway "oh itzon em" i'm gunna boot your skinny behind i am the ville queen without every really caring. enjoy biarch. have a good weekend. fear not people i am alive and kicking the arse of that dude who spammed me. your my bitch i'm your daddy. i got a new keyboard the keys are cool and smooth and i like typing on them. take that whitey this one is black and silver i win. Tashs radio show tomorrow 6:30 til 8:30 i think it may depend how she feels i will be there in the group lounge laughing my arse off at her. while reading some random book trying to make sure i fit the bill of semi formal dress for megan m's killer party. laters bitches. by the thanks for the coffee.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


tee hee skinny biarch



And a wonderful snowy evening to you to

[Current Mood:] Content...for now!
[Listening To:] Panic - The Smiths

Hello team im back! debbie good to see that all is well and tha t you are indeed alive after all this time, i look forward to seeing you at school tommorow. Speaking of school im wagging first two classes in the morning to go get McDonalds for breakfast with Adam and Chris. Steve, Adam, Chris and i think Swedish were supposed to come pick me up before so we could go up to the mountains to see the snow, yeah it was dark and cold but who cares we were in the mood for adventure, whatnot, but no, my father is a fucken nazi control freak who thinks my 15 year old sis cannot look after herself, shit she looks after herself better than i look after myself pffft, but anyways long story short i was stuck at home while the boys rampaged around Jeeralang in a rabid search for snow, to my amusement they never found any and were quite dissapointed, i rang Capatain Laser Pants in the car and he dropped the phone dwon the back of the seat, where he proceeded to yell "EM WHERE ARE YOOOOOOU?!" until i got sick of laughing at him and tourturing him so i hung up and called him very very very funny hearing Chris yell at nothing hehehehe! anyways i best be off now kids i have a Literature response to write before tommorow and Chris is ringing me at 9 so i better be quick about it, DEBBIE YOU WILL NEVER WIN!!!!
Emmy Fay


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Seriously loving the eyes....*sigh*

Hey Debbie congrats on the wicked show!

[Current Mood:] Merrrrr
[Listening To:] Chris' bands Demo

Dude you did totally rad last night! *beams with pride cause she can say "My wicked as friend was on radio last night"* hee hee go team GO! you cheered me up heaps bud! feeling a bit better now too which is cool as pie. Im seriously loving the sunnies bro they rock my jocks!! and the terminator thingy is way cool, like you hehehe! Chris is gunna be stoked if the demo gets air play, but if it doesnt i guess he'll get over it, i'll give him a hug and make him some tea and mess up his Rob Smith hair and say "it'll be ok bud think of baby ducks or something" lol he's such a picean!

Shit i dont wanna paint today, i gotta drag all my gear into the house from the shed n its pissing down rain over here n i dont want me canvas to get all wet and jumped on by the dog lol, maybe ill just go back to bed? sounds shibby to me actually.....hmmmmmm not much else i can think off to ramble about right now, im off again, have fun kids and stay out of the rain!
Emmy Fay


Saturday, August 06, 2005

ville valo

new sunnies

i was on radio again and it was sweet arrrrgggggggghhhhhhh fucking photos are too big take so long. anyway got home from radio and whattttttttttttt???????????? family was down shit hide me too late to organise to do anything and now i am confinded to the computer room as to not have to watch some stupid matrix edition. neo dies deal with it. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can't be fucked stupid computer juts die how's about those Xgames go team go. funny how hector said hi girls well i suppose it could apply to Jas and Joel we can call joel joey or soemthing and jas well i can't think about anything right now might go listen to some ridculous song thats goes somebody's gunna get there head kicked in. fuckign die die die arrrgggghhhhh mind a senseless bore or am i still on a coke and caffaine high actually i mean sugar or is it the radio come down or am i still hyped no its' the damn song so fast to fast for me to type and not fuck up thank god its over. hoorah upload pictures bitch. nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo song2 arrrgggghhhhhhhh n o sleep for the wicked my god i'm gunna pass out ok chris her's the 411 i can play your musci if tash agrees to it. bev is a nazi and i;..................... i.........................i'm talented yeah talented eat banana's those who said i had no talent i can rant and rave owwwww my hands hurt and my computer is being a commie come on christmas willl beat you. arrrggghhh i played the beatles and ccr tonight not allowed to play punk ahahahahhahahahhah tash is in melbourne lucky hoff hoff is going to be doing something with MTV. TV has ruined my fragile little mind suddenly feeling sleepy stupid slow songs. give me lets get fucked up and i'm all engines revving i wonder when my family is leaving before i get up tomorrow hopefully oh well dont care that much i just dont like getting invaded. fuck i ranted about nothing for a while i need to go and cry some more stupid emotions based on music. die unforgivable sinnner. ha ha there is a termintator stress ball on my post fuck yeah. listens to the chili peppers some more. ha ha ville valo i'm gunna get a tattoo of him. fuck yeah no not his band him but HIM or the other way around whatever floats your boat. can't squeeze this soul bitches. sunglasses as well they are my new ones they are white and pink and purple and arrrrrggggggghhhhhh colour over load

Hey Ho Lets Go

[Current Mood:] frightfully ill
[Listening To:] Just Like Heaven - The Cure

arggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! i feel so very very very...ill and tired right now, i cant do anything cause i ache all over, cant lie down, cant sit up, cant fucken walk, cant breathe, fucken commie bastards all i had was my health and the fuckers took that too! *sighs in defeat*.

i missed the open day at Monash Uni and now im stuck here being alone and sore, ya know that kind of flu/cold thing you get, where even your skin hurts? your whole body is just one massive aching mass and your head feels like its full of sand, *shudders* and no matter WHAT you do to try and get comfortable, you cant, you try and rest but it bugs the shit out of you, so you get up and walk around trying to forget about it but all ya wanna do is crawl out of your own skin cause that dont work either, this is insane, even my fucken teeth hurt this is screwed! awwww i look like a fucken junkie crack whore right now, im too skinny anyway...havent eaten for days till Chris made me, i love him he's always looking after me, despite what others and sometimes i say, no-ones ever cared about like he has, ive been treated like rat shit all my life by males, then he showed up, and we hated the world TOGETHER lol! naw just kiddin, but theres not a day that passes, even if we're manky at each other, or if he's emo, that im not thankfull that i found him when i did! I LOVE YOU CAPTAIN LASER PANTS!!!

i just asked Craig how his friend Andy was doing....Craig just told me he died of an overdose last year......i have nothing to complain about..................god....he's dead......

Friday, August 05, 2005


Captain Laser Pants when we went to the beach...straight after i took this his little bro dumped sand all over him it made me die so hardcore i fell over and laughed hysterically for about 20 mintues...

Me having a hissy fit at the universe....

Aloha Homebodies!!!!!

Hey team what a spendiffourous day it be, ta for the info Hector ol chap, im going to try and get my hands on some of that stuff you were tellin me about, and my dad said it would be worth cheking out too [tho he just says that so he can steal them...] ok then to eliminate confusion heres a list of people currently residing in my favorite people box in no specific order..........

Debba Fay
Tasha Fay
Becka Fay
The goth chick i talk to on MSN who digs me
Ville Valo [he's chained up though.......*snigger*]

uhhhh...yeah that'll do for now, i should really get dressed i have to be at Chris' place in an hour, although i have truned up to his place in my pj's once before...i think...meh, he's cheered up signifigantly now, which is rad for all parties involved, Ma's all like "You better be going over there to finish your homework!" and im like "Of course mother, what in the world else would two hyperactive teenagers who happen to really dig each other do when they have the house to themselves?"............she just glared at me....oh well... I CANT FIND MY EYE LINER!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* aw screw this in the eye with a fork im off to play bass till ma comes home with food, tee hee
Emmy Fay

Monday, August 01, 2005

Hey Hector!

Wow i didnt seriously think anyone out there was interested in what ever the hell we rant about day in day out but thank you kindly, you are now in my favorite people box alongside Debbie fay, Tasha fay and my boyfriend Captain Laser Pants! No i havent seen Moz live and i dont know if i will ever get the chance, i hope i do :) but yer, agreed, Johnny left mighty big shoes to be filled, and the band does indeed suck the giant cock flavoured lollipop *snigger* but i would still see him none the less if i could. So you've seen him i take it? wow im dying of jealously!! thats it im going to Greece, there'd be more chance of him going back there than to this hell hole lol, Ill see you in a few years then hahah! hey those Smiths tributes sound totally rad, you'll so have to tell me more bout threm sometime!
Debbie why o why can i not have your babies? i thought we were a team bud?!!!! Chris wont mind, he's got Moose to be all paternal with! pfft fine have it your way hehehe..well im off to do my Literature Sac and my Studio Arts essays fucken fuckity fuck fuck!!!!!!!!!!1 ARRRGGGH!
Emmy Fay