Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shoplifters Of The World..

[Current Mood:] Fucken stoked..i got a NOFX Tshirt
[Listening To:] The Sacrement - H.I.M

Aw man, whoever put that Shoplifters link on the side, i fucking love you and want to have your children. And thanks to you debbie as well, for actually fixing them, cheers bud!! Man deb i loved your party, i had shitloads of fun, even when you made me sing, *shudder* hahah i had a great time, and i hope you did too man, heres to you being 18 eh! as for Jas, i will in time forgive him for being a no show but you can beat him sensless with a rainbow trout be my guest lol jk jas we love you dearly, JUST SAY YA NOT COMING NEXT TIME SAVES THE TEARS! ok im done ranting now, Tash i see your alive and well, you posted on Debbies computer didnt you lol, meh well I best be off, got hw to do lads, cheerio then see you all at school
Emmy Fay

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I'll Meet You At The Cemetary Gates...Keats And Yeats Are On Your Side

I'll Meet You At The Cemetary Gates...Keats And Yeats Are On Your Side FUCK THE PEOPLE!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

i fixed the links

it doesn't really but i thought i would say that
the links on the side now work i had to change some shit i dont know if you care but i thought i would share it anyway g2g catch ya.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

where's jas????????

i wonder if he has been to TAFE yet? where are you Jas. i need to bitch to someone and no one is around. points finger at em* fix that damn msn. on another note i think i want to sit in the corner and cry for a couple of hours. no body wants to come to my birthday bash cause they would prefer brad's. hey i have an idea. I WON"T HAVE A PARTY AT ALL. thank you kind friends for prefer someone else over one fo your best friends

Monday, July 18, 2005

your tucan interested me

i would like to subscribe to your newsletter or lets make it blog its easier. anyway i come bearing good music news i think. the pixies are going to record a new album you may already knwo this but i thought i would share it anyway. cribs is on and so is teej so i will catch ya on said flip side and mingle with the champagnet freaks sucks about the music centre ciao



[Current Mood:] Sick and Pissed Off
[Listening To:] I Know Its Over- The Smiths

Shortest entry ever...god, what a shit day......busted wagging in the music centre, got kicked out for a week with Joss, Alex and Chris, i nearly passed out outside and Chris had a heart attack and thought i died, Vis Comm was shit house and Chris was sad all day, and has been for amny weeks now, and we got that fucking mass to go to tommorow, oh well at least i dont have to go to English and this fucking sucks and not surprisingly The Smiths is making me feel oh so worse, i think ill put the ramones on to pep me up a tad...
Emmy Fay

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Aloha Go Bananas

[Current Mood:] Content...for now...
[Listening To:] LoveCats - The Cure

Ive done nothing today except alot of Vis Comm work and Listen to The Cure, it was magical *snigger* and once again its raining, no surprises there o__O!
I was supposed to drive down to Fountain Gate today but ma couldnt be bothered and quite frankly neither could i so we all slept in, it was fun. Debbie i hope that you're not buried alive in various peices of clothing and that your mother hasnt broken your brain and or your spirit by dragging you around shopping everywhere, my thoughts are with you. Anywho this is boring me to death also, i will now go raid our pantry and make me a cup of tea and then go play bass. Have a splendidly rainy afternoon kids.
Emmy Fay

Saturday, July 16, 2005

I can play This Charming Man GO ME! *ker-ching*

[Current Mood:] Tired and in dire need of caffine
[Listening To:] the crows fighting outside

Thats one amazing bass line :) Anyone going to the Area 7 and BCE gig in Sale tonight?Anyone? just me? Debba im sorry that you couldnt come :) gigs just arnt the same without your rad presence lol. Jas or Joel you going? if so i'll see you there i guess. Wow, Area 7, i dont even like them that much but it will be cool i guess, ive heard some very conflicting opinions though when it comes to Behind Crimson Eyes, i better hear them first hand before i write them off completely i think, from what ive heard off the DVD Chris has they remind me a bit of the Used but a little less whiny hehe. Oh well, ok....i drink way too much tea for my own good, this be the fourth cup ive had since i woke is now currently 11:47...*ponders* meh..
Emmy Fay

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Walrus Lives!

[Current Mood:] Meh
[Listening To:] Panic - The Smiths

Evening Joel i was wondering just how long it would take for you to join our merry band of misfits, hehe :) lol ten points for quoting Cemetary Gates! i do that alot actually, just chill out and listen to the lyrics and take note o the ones i reckon i can relate to where im at in life its most fun.
haha well yes there are more important things in life like Moz, on my Rad-O-Meter he's right up there with Earl Grey tea, my mum's copy of Oscar Wilde's Collected works that i stole and my guitar, i mean the guy put the "M In Manchester", the list is very long and distinguised and is another eight feet long, you know what i think i might go out this very minute and buy Morrisseys DVD, and Joel and Jas and Debbie, if it's any good *pffft....if it's any good...where am i?...* i will not hesitate to burn it for you, well team im off, i bid you farwell and keep it real homebodies, HANG THE DJ!
Emmy Fay

Thursday, July 14, 2005

i have changed my mind

fine i won't leave but hey if smiths central continues to take over i shall walk without notice. unless of course i get into the music cause em's meant to lend them too me. anyway i coem bearing great news.
Professor Angry (Dan's band) is playing a gig at
Falcon's Soccer Ground on Crinigan Road in Morwell.
July 22nd 7:30pm- 11.30pm
$5.00 Entry

support acts: straight 80, execate, jimmy pita and please turn over
be there or listen to us rant about it... support local acts and our friends as well
anyway toodles. i'm going to draw on my hands somemore while thinking about doing vis com. shouldn't have had that ginsing tea.

Girlfriend In A Coma




Lol Jas Chaz asked where you were the other day!! :) hehehe you rebel you! Vis Comm sucks major diddley to quote Debbie on it. thanks for Joel's email much appreciated, i told him today that we were gunna get him in here to rant with us man is he in for it! heheheh awell all will be sweet. Im going on a biology field trip tommorow! *waves her little flag* go teaaaammmm!!!
hurrah...........meh...caring...pfffft! im off to do yet more riduculous amounts of Vis Comm Hw and to get Debbie to come out of hibernation!! bye Jas wherever you happen to be!
Emmy Fay

I quit

i refuse to work on this god forsaken blog as it has turned into smiths central. and i haven't heard anything from them. if you want to hear my rants visit my blog or don't bother but i can't take the smiths invasion. bye bye fellows enjoy smith central.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Why hello Morrisey..i mean..Jason haha!

[Current Mood:] Manky
[Listening To:] There Is A Light That Never Goes Out- The Smiths

lol go team this is rad! oh my god ive been listening to "Handsome Devil" over and over again...but instead of frying my folks' brains they LIKE it lol hehehe go me! Jas i agree whole heartedly with you its an absolutley smashing album, though i am still quite fond of The Queen Is Dead i must say, im sposed to be getting Meat Is Murder off Joel soon too which will be so totally gnarly :) ...will someone please get that kid in here we need to balance this Moz shrine with some pixies stuff lol! Jas do you have his email? we gotta get him in here! hope you're all having a spifftacular time right now, eugh Vis Comm hw! This Charming Man i bet you're stoked not having to do Vis Comm anymore whilst the rest of us poor souls are damned to sit through the relentlessly banal lectures mrs Lineham gives us when we dont do work lol! Debbie you better be at school tommorow or there will be tears, dont make me make a scene!! *im good at those!!* well kids im off to Listen to Bigmouth Strikes Again and do some shit for school, keep it gnarly ;)
Emmy Fay


i'm still alive em but i'm feeling extremely ill and stressed out so that why i haven't been back to school yet hopefully looking like being back on thursday. anyway that is all i can't sleep so i'll catch ya another time

Monday, July 11, 2005


These Things Take Time...

waiting for the Norton AntiVirus to finish downloading....*sigh*
Ive done nothing today escept Vis Comm hw and rang Chris, his dad passed out this morning and Chris had to drive him to the doctor :( i hope he's ok, he always says things are but he never wants me to worry about it, but still i wish i could have seen him today and talked to him, oh well i'll see him tommorow at school i, its so relentlessly banal i feel like throwing up all over my hightops, i think id rather have my wisdom teeth extracted (if i still had any) than get up at 6 in the morning and drive to a freezing cold bus stop and get rained on like i do every school morning..least it wakes me up good hahah.....

God im bored.....*slams head on keyboard* huh its still raining out, perfect listening to The Smiths weather, but im too cold and lazy to move and get my CD's, oh well its my loss i guess, i think i might go watch Donnie Darko the directors cut again later, its so rad ive seen it countless times now, hurrah! well my fingers are about to disconnect from my hands so i'll leave you hepcats to it then, hope you all have a great last day of the school holidays and be productive, except for Jas who has it sweet and will most likely be sleeping in tommorow morning...and everyday for the whole year...dammit!!! signing out..
Emmy Fay

Sunday, July 10, 2005

How Extraordinary

This Charming Man turned out to be Jas! cheers bud :)
hahah i think thats marvolous, had no idea he was that much of a Donnie fan, well there you go, thank you debbie i could have made a right fool of myself had i not known, lol oh well you get that....i just finished doing my mock up painting for Studio Arts and all i can smell is turps, my nose feels quite odd...note to self: open more windows when painting in the future....

You know what was quite amusing, i fell asleep listening to "This Charming Man" and dreamt that i was on a hill with a puntured bicycle tyre! lol i got Smiths on the brain...perhaps i should listen to the Ramones again for i while, meh.....nah!! well im off to enter that poetry comp....evening all...
Emmy Fay

Saturday, July 09, 2005

xXx Whats In My Stereo xXx

Then God Is Seven

Im so beyond the realms of boredeom someone kindly shoot me in the head will you?!!! it hasn't stoped raining all day, the emo kids would all be in their element.....pfffttt

White Noise

What a complete load of pure unadulterated labotomised an hour and 45 minutes of my young life that i will never get back....i feel really ripped off!! anybody else feel as pissed off after watching White Noise? anyone, drop me a line so i can rant some more....

Chris' shoes....and my tartan pants....

The Rain Falls Hard On A Humdrum Town

Oh the irony, i live in a relentlessly banal town and it happens to be raining while im listening to this hahah!...well i happened to think it was funny going to call Chris soon....feeling really lonley and extremely cold beyond reason....i wish he'd call instead, i positivley dare him to! oh well..*sigh* goodbye

I am the heir..of nothing in particular

Morning all, i just woke up. i went to melbourne yesterday to visit some art galleries with Chris, it was great fun! we went to FortyFiveDownstairs on Flinders Lane and the Flinders Lane gallery too, some great and unusual work in their too, so fun! we were going to go see the Dutch Masters Exhibition too but we ran out of time and by the end of the day we were quite tired. We went to HMV and i bought Hatful Of Hollow by The Smiths, im so happy that i did!!! im in love with this album, although i like The Queen Is Dead more at the moment i still love it to bits. I was this close to buying Morrissey's Best Of but i realised my mother would get quite irate; "You just blew sixty odd dollars just to hear an old bitter english vegetarian mope and complain about the state of affairs?!!! EMILY!!!" hence why i got Hatful instead hahah, dont get me wrong my mum loves Morrissey, but thats why its even more amusing....oh well...
Some guy by the name of This Charming Man added me to his Donnie Darko fan blog thing....anyone who quotes Morrissey lyrics are automatically in my favorite people box definatley posting on there later. Debbie good to see that you are alive and well, sorry i havent posted for a bit i was in SeaSpray with Chris and his Mum, sis and little brother, the beach was so great! well im off to find some more research for Vis Comm, and post on that Donnie blog, cheerio
Emmy Fay

Friday, July 01, 2005


i have done nothing except clean and watch movies this week next week it's all about homework i really should have done more work this week oh well nothing i can do about it now. anyway hows it going em? what have you done this week? hope your well! i have been on this blog everyday but i haven't actually posted anything. are the cure still doing anything with LIVE8 i can't remember either way i won't be watching it. not cause i dont like it but because i will be at mums and i dont think she will let me watch it. i now have a list of 46 people to invite to my birthday i have to see if there is anyone i missed. hope seaspray is fun. if you get really bored jump in the water and freeze for a few hours should be fun. Tash and i were discussing going to the movies over the holidays i have a bit of a problem though i dont have any money so i don't know what will happen anyway i'm going to go and try and do something productive like watch big brother.................. NOT. cheers