Monday, October 16, 2006

Dani looking very much the coke dealer, I'd totally bone that hat, if i were another hat

Dani hugging Toffer awwwwwwwww!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Spiffy Pink Template

[Current Mood:] So-so
[Listening To:] Shakti's typing

On break from Printmaking right now, better get back soon ive got my copper etching floating in a vat of acid, better not leave it in there for too long 0__0!

I miss this blog ive neglected it so much over the past couple of months.

I can't wait to see Chris tonight, its getting harder and harder to leave his flat everytime i stay now, its starting to feel like home more than ever.

It feels like tis friday afternoon right now, and like there should be some wicked party i should be going to after Uni, but theres not, maybe its the weather? ugh i dont want to go to work tonight!

better get back to printmaking now....laters.

Emmy Fay