I'll Meet You At The Cemetary Gates...Keats And Yeats Are On Your Side
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I love this the radness is overwhelming lol seriously loving the hands and the shadow thing going on, im so drawing this later if i can be bothered..this took me over 5 minutes to get right cause Chris can't or wont sit still the bastard lol
Debba hey bud havent blogged in ere for a while thought id drop in and say ARRRRRRRRRGGH! LOL! go team! hope you're having a swell time doing whatever i no im not im so fycken bored without school to keep me from setting things alight lol, come hang at our new pad its the Ice creamery in Tgon dog fully sick lol yeah, whateever lol ill see ya round champ, keep it real!NACHOS!!!!!
Emmy Fay
Fay Army
[Current Mood:] Hungry/bored[Listening To:] Fog Surrounds - Tiger Army
Hola Fay-Fays, dunno bout you but i feel even more of a hobo now that schoo'ls over and whatnot hehe. For the record im gunna be at school for the whole of SWAT VAC week or whatever the hell it is...tranfering shit onto canvas and stuff, then Chris n me are going to our new pad, which is now the Ice Cream Parlour! i mean cmon, nachos, hotdogs, ice cream, milkshakes, coffee, old movie memorabilia, broken jukebox...what the hell else do we need? we need to get the rest of the posse in there, Tash, Debba, anyone else, you're so invited if ya wanna come hang out n stuff, we can do the rounds on the Op Shops again lol, ah the memories...like...2 days ago haha!
Wow....i really like NOFX wheeeeee! shit i wonder if im going to get my folio done in time? i should prob go do something else right now...right after i listen to the Dresden Dolls lol....im never gunna get it done!!
I went out for tea with the folks last night, i had to drive them home cause they were slighty intoxicated but meh it was fun, my aunt Kirssy asked me to tell chris that he's invited to her wedding, eeeeeee! lol my family loves him more than me haha like really they do! thats better than my dad wanting to chase him down the road with a pitch fork for catching us snogging on the front step lol awell.
Man im outaa here, have a brill day whoevers reading, go do something to make you feel proud today, hug a kitten, give yer ma a footrub, ring your grandparents and tell them you love them, weed the garden, paint, write, run, jump, skip, hop, fly, whatever, have a good one!
Emmy Fay
Friday, October 07, 2005
where are you taash emily and chris looking for you as i s jo you had better be coming tonight show your support for the band we manage anyway i am talkuing to jo and cam left a message. later i have a maths sac soonTuesday, October 04, 2005
Meeeeerrrr School
Wheeeeeeeeeee! the manky school computers finally let me in here! HAZAAR! in the study centre listinging toTash sing random things and debie laugh at me for banging my leg into the desk, good wholesome fun for the whole family....Got Bio later, fucken needs to die i hate that class so hardcore its not funny, ohwell what can ya do eh? fuck this im going to look up Smiths stuff....Hola.
Emy Fay