Wednesday, March 09, 2005


in the vis comm room being all neurotic and wired....neerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! *hiss* debba is all lost and confused and tash is off in pants trance land with the eskimos and whatnot......
anywho.....*starts singing Echo and The BunnyMen tunes and smashes her ice sculpture to a million pieces with a mallet* ......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! oh how i hate this place and wish i lived in deep deep siberia.... *sigh* oh how i hate the universe right now with the flames of a zillion burning haylofts....*shudders* i wanna go home i feel like hammered shit right now, i wish that the universe would just go implode on itself like right now, the wrights are shiggity shigity shwarness! EVIE EVIE EVIE LET YOUR HAIR HANG DOWN!! *wah wah wahhhhhh* heheheheh shibby.....ok feeling slightly better now, go debbie go your a damn awesome seagull....*hi 5* i hate the office lady shes got a voice like cats in a hessian bag getting wacked with a 4 iron...ARGGGHHHH!!!!!! man, re-reading this just reinforces just how much of a screw up i am, i usually think of my ADD as a blessing cause it helps with the creative flow and whatnot, for real, but i hate it today.........
Dont die Phil!!! just cause you're 27 dont mean diddly squat!!!! *shakes fist* you better not go anywhere anytime soon buddy or ill be writing some very strong worded letters to you my friend *peers out the window through the drapes* yeah you better run.....
pity i dont know anyone named conclusion there you go...i have indeed lost my sanity once and for all, it ran away with its tail between its legs and aint comin home billy. Debba lost her sane, oh what an odd pair we make eh? all the better for it though, rather be crazy than boring eh debba?
Debba: NICE! *dances and hums incoherently for a bit*
Emily: Debba ya rad.....
Debba: *sings Crash Test Dummies "Mmmmmm"*
Man my brain hurts, or whats left of it from using turps to help with the creative flow....naw hugs not drugs amigos.
HATE SCHOOL HATE SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! i win yeah you can cram it with walnuts........god...who am i talking to?!!!! I hate Mellon hes a commie, sadist bastard. Debbie makes some interesting noises when she aint happy, lovin' it. Whats with the price of fish these days?!! KEE KEE!!!!! ARRHGHGHWAHAHHAWA!!! TUNA FOR KEE KEE! there ya go Chris i hope i made you proud....*grins* damn i love that!!!! Breakfast At Tiffany's eh Debba? dunno bout that one champ....*shudders*
Em: stop it debba you're scaring the little ones man
Brian better damn reply to my question i left on the site or i will be one unhappy camper for a while, then i'll get over it by watching the filth and the fury for the 28th time. Man im not looking forward to after school right now, hope all goes well....doubt it but heres to wishful thinking hey? wish me luck.... im off.
Laters, Em


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